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When to Align Your Saab Wheels in Decatur

Gray Saab Car

Posted on March 16, 2022 by Amy

Wheel alignments guarantee that your tires are correctly angled level with the ground, facing straight ahead, and parallel to one another so that they can track in a straight path. The proper alignment angles can help you get the most out of your tires. Furthermore, your vehicle’s handling will be easy, as designed.

Misaligned tires ultimately lead to poor tire performance and uneven tread wear, four-wheel alignments are a crucial element of maintaining the life of your tires. The most crucial part of the wheel and tire maintenance is wheel alignment.

Toe, caster, and camber are three angles that help wheel alignment. Toe refers to the distance between the tires. Your tires should be parallel to each other and in equal positions. The angle of the steering pivot, or caster, allows the wheels to turn in tandem with the steering wheel. Finally, the wheel’s camber is the angle at which it should be perpendicular to the ground.

How to Know When You Need a Wheel Alignment in Your Saab

Wheel alignment is required for the best driving experience. Your automobile comes pre-set with certain tire angles and positions as it is rolled off the production line. Your wheels must be appropriately aligned to OEM standards for your tire optimal performance. Tire misalignment can result in uneven wear, poor handling, and shortened tire life.

However, there are a few telltale signs of misalignment in your Saab. All you have to do is look out for these signs by paying close attention. Here are some of the most typical indicators that you’re dealing with bad alignment:

  • your car begins to pull to one side
  • uneven or accelerated tire wear
  • when driving straight, your steering wheel is crooked
  • squealing tires

Causes of Poor Wheel Alignment

A vehicle’s tires rotate in a straight line when correctly aligned. However, a driver might accidentally knock their tires out of alignment by hitting a curb, driving over a pothole, or abruptly encountering something on the road. In addition, minor fender benders can cause wheels to get out of alignment.

Misalignment of the wheels causes the vehicle to veer off-center, making steering more difficult. Misalignment may be seen in cars that vibrate while driving, causing swerving to the side when driving. When wheels are not properly aligned, steering your vehicle straight requires more work to keep it going straight in the proper lane.

Consequences of Poor Wheel Alignment

  • Causes accelerated tire wear: Uneven tire wear can be caused by driving a vehicle with incorrect wheel alignment. If the problem is not quickly resolved, a vehicle’s tires may experience early wear and tear, requiring replacement. To minimize excessive tire damage, correct misalignment as soon as possible.
  • Undue stress on the suspension: A vehicle’s suspension might be overworked owing to misalignment. This may cause damage to suspension components, resulting in costly repairs.
  • Increased risk of accidents: Wheel misalignment can make it harder to steer at high speeds, increasing the risk of an accident. Out-of-alignment tires tend to slide to the side, prompting the driver to maintain a firm hold on the steering wheel. Misalignment may have a negative impact on how a vehicle stops and handles, jeopardizing road safety.
  • Tire drag caused by misaligned wheels overworks the engine since it exerts more force to power the vehicle. This consequently results in consumption of more gasoline.

Align Your Wheels

Alignment corrections are best left to the professionals. However, this doesn’t mean that you don’t have your part to play. Written below are some safety tips you can follow to avoid wheel misalignment.

  • Take out any big or heavy objects from your trunk. Your alignment might be thrown off if you have too much weight loaded down your rear end.
  • Ensure your tires are properly inflated.
  • Adopt a cautious driving style. It will reduce the stress on steering and suspension components, which are critical for maintaining appropriate alignment.

Munich West: Atlanta’s Leading European Service Center

Preserving the high-performance an European vehicle Saab Wheel Alignment has to offer requires regular maintenance. As insignificant as a wheel misalignment may seem, it can significantly impact your vehicle performance. At Munich West, we understand this and strive to return your alignments back to the OEM standards.

Over the years, we have provided drivers with a cost-effective and dependable alternative to dealerships. Our skilled mechanics are factory trained and have years of experience working on European vehicles, including your Saab. We are located in Decatur, and our services are extended to the surrounding communities in and near Atlanta, GA. Contact us today for a fast, quality, and excellent car repair and maintenance service.

* Gray Saab Car image credit goes to: Roman Stasiuk.

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