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Reasons Behind Excessive Exhaust Noise in Your Saab

Saab Car

Posted on June 22, 2021 by Amy

A noisy engine is more than just a nuisance. It can also be dangerous, as loud exhaust sounds can mean there is something broken or leaking. Sometimes, a leak can even make its way into the passenger cabin, filling up the car with dangerous carbon monoxide. That’s why it’s important to understand the reasons why your Saab is making noises in the exhaust system, so you can prevent problems that can put you in danger.

Common Causes of Excessive Exhaust Noise

The cause of the problem can be determined by locating where the noise is coming from. If it’s closer to the front of the car, it could have to do with a leaky pipe or a bad gasket. If it’s in the middle, it’s probably not a very serious problem, just a crack in the exhaust pipe. At the back, near the muffler or tailpipe, it could mean that there is something wrong with the engine.

Here are some of the more common causes that lead to a noisy exhaust:

  • Exhaust leak. This, of course, can occur anywhere along the exhaust system. As you drive your car, wear and tear is bound to happen. This can be anything from cracks in the pipes to corrosion due to debris, weather, or other factors.
  • Flex pipe failure. As its name suggests, the flex pipe is a flexible connector that allows for engine movement. If it fails, either because it is damaged or for some other reason, it can lead to loud exhaust noises.
  • Failing catalytic converter. The catalytic converter is one of the most important parts of the exhaust system. It is in charge of converting dangerous engine gases into gases that are less damaging to the environment and to people who may be in the vicinity of the car. Cars rely on this component to keep pollution levels down, and when it fails, it can be dangerous to the vehicle’s drivers and passengers, as well as others nearby. It also causes the sound of the exhaust to become much louder.
  • Worn exhaust manifold. The exhaust manifold is the part that collects the engine gases before they are sent through the exhaust system to eventually be expelled as harmless gases. Similar to the catalytic converter, if this component becomes worn down, as it will likely do over time, it can cause bigger problems than just a noisy engine. It will also allow dangerous and poisonous gases to make their way out of the exhaust system and possibly into the cabin of the car or to the outside world.

How Exhaust Systems Fail or Become Damaged

We’ve talked about some of the potential causes of a noisy exhaust system, but how exactly do the different parts of this system become damaged in the ways we’ve described?

First, there is natural wear and tear to consider. This is an extremely common cause of most car problems, and it’s why routine maintenance & upkeep are so important. The longer you drive your car, the more likely it is that parts of the car’s internals will break down due to things like rust, debris, or pressure.

Many aspects of a car’s systems have to deal with a lot of pressure, friction, and heat, which can help accelerate the deterioration, and the exhaust is no different.

However, wear and tear is not the only thing that can cause damage to an exhaust system. Even something as simple as running over a rock that flies up and connects with an exhaust pipe can cause cracks and damage.

How to Get Help with Your Saab’s Excessive Exhaust Noise

The best place to go for help with any car Saab Exhaust System Check troubles you might have, including a noisy exhaust system, is to take the vehicle to a knowledgeable and trustworthy mechanic in the area. For customers in Decatur and Atlanta, Georgia, Munich West are happy to be that mechanic for you.

If you’d like to learn more about the services we can offer for your Saab or other European vehicles, or if you want to schedule an appointment to come speak with us, contact us today. Our friendly & experienced technicians are here to help you and care for your car.

* Saab Car image credit goes to: MHjerpe.

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