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Indicators of a Bad Oxygen Sensor in a Saab

Saab Oxygen Sensor

Posted on November 21, 2020 by Amy

While Saabs have earned a reputation for their impressive ability to endure, these unique vehicles are just as prone to an occasional minor malfunction as any other vehicle. Since Saabs have been discontinued, however, it can be hard to find mechanics who are qualified to provide any of the services that your Saab requires.

One malfunction that Saabs specifically are somewhat susceptible to every now and then is oxygen sensor failure. Fortunately, it is still safe for you to drive your Saab when this happens. However, a bad oxygen sensor will decrease the efficiency of the vehicle’s engine, and faulty sensors need to be replaced. In this article, we will cover the signs that indicate one of your oxygen sensors may have failed.

Oxygen Sensors

Not only do oxygen sensors have a significant role in keeping your Saab’s engine efficiency up to par, they also manage the vehicle’s emissions control. Oxygen sensors monitor the amount of oxygen in the Saab’s exhaust and send that information to the computer in your engine, which allows the engine to adjust the air-to-fuel ratio.

Signs of a Bad Oxygen Sensor

Thankfully, you will be able to tell that there is something wrong with your Saab, even if it is not clear whether or not the issue is related to the oxygen sensors. Generally, it will be fairly simple for a skilled mechanic to determine if an oxygen sensor has indeed gone bad, as well as which one and why, as the trouble codes in your engine’s computer should inform them. These are the most common signs of a bad oxygen sensor:

Active Check Engine Light

Sometimes, an active check engine light is the only sign that will manifest to indicate one of the oxygen sensors in your Saab is faulty. As the check engine light can become active for any number of issues, and a lack of other signs may make it difficult to narrow down a cause for the light being on, it is important to contact a professional mechanic in order for them to check your engine’s computer readings.

Loss in Fuel Economy

Since the oxygen sensors in your Saab are supposed to keep the engine running at its optimal efficacy, a bad oxygen sensor can greatly harm your fuel economy. Without accurate readings from the oxygen sensors, fuel combustion is less efficient, which can cause your fuel mileage to suffer.

Bad Smelling Exhaust

Exhaust fumes that smell noticeably bad are the most common sign to accompany the check engine light being on if your Saab has a bad oxygen sensor. This bad smell is often described as being similar to rotten eggs and often results due to raw fuel dripping into your Saab’s exhaust.

Rough Running Engine

Without a proper ratio of air-to-fuel in your Saab’s engine, the engine may not run as smoothly as it is supposed to. Unless the damage has become extensive, you will only notice this symptom while the engine is idle. However, it is important to note that this sign could also be an indicator of an engine misfire.

Failed Emissions Test

If even the check engine light fails to come on and your Saab does not exhibit any other signs of a bad oxygen sensor, having a faulty oxygen sensor is the most common reason for your vehicle failing an emissions test. Contact a mechanic if you are unsure why your Saab has failed an emissions test to determine the cause.

Munich West Will Fix your Bad Oxygen Sensor

All of our mechanics at Munich West are Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) certified, and they have over 100 years of combined Saab Oxygen Sensor Inspection experience in providing quality service to Saabs, which is one of the automotive brands we specialize in.

Munich West is the preferred automotive shop for Saab repairs and services in Decatur and Atlanta, GA. Clients also travel from Avondale Estates, Buckhead, Lilborn, Stone Mountain, and Tucker to rely on our expertise.

We realize that maintaining a Saab on your own can quickly become a costly and intimidating process. Munich West is dedicated to ensuring that your Saab runs at its peak performance. If you are interested in learning more about our qualifications, scheduling routine maintenance, or getting specifically in getting your oxygen sensors replaced, please contact us at your earliest convenience. We look forward to earning your patronage.

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